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A Few Small Improvements

New for the 2015 season are hole location signs on #8 and #15 tees.  While there may be no substitute for walking up the fairway to determine the exact location during a serious match or tournament play, the new hole location signs that are attached to the tee post will be helpful to those who are interested in obtaining the general location of the hole.  Be sure to take a peek during your next round.

Another new improvement are the new divot boxes on the par 3 tees.  The new divot boxes match the existing course furnishings and are branded with the Hidden Glen logo.  The quality and design of these boxes serve to promote Hidden Glen as a true private upscale club.

The last small improvement so far this spring is to introduce a new look to the practice holes.  The red flags embroidered with the club logo and hole number will differentiate the practice holes from the holes in regulation.  We have the most impressive practice facilites in the state and the new flags and flagsticks will serve to highlight them to all members and guests.
Posted: 4/17/2015 2:06:42 PM | with 0 comments
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