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Range Finder Crystals

As in past years, Hidden Glen will once again include crystals on all flagsticks to assist rangefinders in obtaining yardage.  Unlike past years, the crystals will now be attached to the top of the flagstick rather than embedded within the flagsticks themselves.  The new crystals can be seen on the flagstick to the left in the picture above.  While this new setup will not diminish the effectiveness of the rangefinders, it will allow us to replace worn or damaged flagsticks in a cost effective manner.  The top-mounted crystals will be used multiple years before needing replacement, allowing us to replace flagsticks more frequently due to the reduced cost when purchasing without crystals.  For members and their guests, this means a more polished course, without tattered, worn, or damaged flagsticks.
Posted: 4/1/2015 8:09:39 AM by Garrett Luck | with 0 comments
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