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Golf Course Condition Update


As a golf course superintendent, it is always exciting to walk the course after a long winter.  While this walk can be gut wrenching at times, especially when winter damage occurs, I am pleased to report that the golf course has come through the winter in great shape.  Only minimal areas of mostly cosmetic rodent damage can be found.  These areas will quickly recover once warmer temperatures persist and the turfgrass begins to grow.  The preventative applications of plant protectants that were made last fall have kept course free of any winter fungal activity.

Even though the warm temperatures of last week have once again given way to winter like conditions, Hidden Glen’s golf course maintenance staff is gearing up to prepare the course for play.  The lack of snow cover has left the course in a very brown state.  Currently, the course has the almost surreal feel of a lunar landscape.  In order to return moisture and foster quick recovery from the winter conditions, golf course staff has begun water the high contours on the greens as seen in the picture above.

Temperatures look to improve next week and small group of employees will begin preparing the course for opening.  Daily tasks will focus on bunker repair and raking, blowing debris from greens and tees, distributing tee and green supplies on the course, and cleaning up around the clubhouse grounds.  Prior to opening, we would like to see the plants actively growing so that they can withstand and recover from foot traffic.  The growth period will initiate once night temperatures stay consistently above freezing.  We will continue to monitor daily conditions and weather forecasts in anticipation of course opening.  Stay tuned to The Bunker, Hidden Glen’s Facebook page, and the golf  shop for further information regarding the opening of the golf course and driving range.  As always, feel free to contact me with any concerns about course opening or conditions.

See you on the course,

Garrett Luck
Golf Course Superintendent


Posted: 3/27/2015 11:05:04 AM by Garrett Luck | with 0 comments
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